
What are things I need to do to clean and maintain my Solo 414 Backpack Sprayer?

If you Solo 414 Backpack Sprayer isn’t cleaned and maintained properly, this can lead so a significant decrease in its lifespan and performance. Cleaning and maintaining your Solo 414 is easy once you know what you’re looking for.

The first thing we need to is to remove the 200-micron screen basket from the top of the sprayer. This is used to eradicate all the rough particles and debris from the chemicals you have applied to your sprayer. Simply give this basket a regular hose out for optimal performance.

Another step you should take is every few months remove the nozzle at the end of your wand and clean out the fine, white filter you find inside. This filter stops finer particles from clogging up the nozzle of your wand, inhibiting your sprayer’s overall performance.

Finally, leaving chemicals inside your sprayer for long periods of time can cause the chemicals to crystallize, clogging up your entire system. An important part of maintaining your sprayer is ensuring you often get rid of the chemicals within your system. Fill your sprayer up with clean water and spray this water for a few minutes. This removes all traces of chemicals from your system, avoiding crystallization all together. Ideally, leave around a litre of water in the bottom of the tank in case any salts from the chemicals have survived.

For a more detailed breakdown, please watch our brilliant instructional video!