Don’t spend hours pulling weeds… Spend minutes spraying them!
Robust and lightweight: the new 441Li backpack sprayer is a semi-professional model in SOLO’s battery-operated sprayer range. Perfect for the Contract Gardener, Acreage owner or hobby farmer. Can be used with liquid fertilizers, selective herbicides, herbicides, fungicides, and insecticides
The sprayer comes complete with a Lithium Battery and Charger.
Sample Applications:
• Plant protection for large private gardens, decorative plants, shrubs and plantations
• Weed control
• Agriculture crops
• Public gardens, landscape, nurseries and greenhouses
5 hours of operation at 1 bar pressure | 1 hour to charge fully.
The 442Li features a battery charge indicator so professionals can accurately monitor their battery levels on the job. Also equipped with an electronic pressure regulator for constant pressure. This battery sprayer is perfect for professional applications.
The sprayer comes complete with a Lithium Battery and Charger.
Sample Applications:
Work efficiency and easy operation are hallmarks of the SOLO premium 12 V battery-powered backpack sprayer. Free of omissions, whisper-quiet, and designed with your comfort in mind.
The sprayer comes complete with a Lithium Battery and Charger.
Sample Applications:
• Plant nurseries
• Contract gardens & City Council
• Large private gardens, decorative plants, shrubs and plantations
• Public gardens and landscaping, greenhouses
• Weed control
• Horticultural plantations
Light and sturdy, translucent containers with easily visible fill volume graduation and large filler opening. Smooth, sealed pump with large pump handle for quick and efficient pressure build-up to max. 3 bar. Safety valve for pressure release to empty container. Adjustable universal spray nozzle. Ergonomically shaped and robust handle grip for good hold, also with gloves. Secure balance with three base footings and conical container shape.
Suitable for sprayer solutions containing oil or chlorinated hydrocarbons, including some brake cleaners, diesel and chlorine.
Application: For the use of acidic cleaning fluids with a pH of one to seven. Suitable for spray solutions containing oil or chlorinated hydrocarbons; including, break cleaner, diesel and chlorine.
Light and sturdy, translucent containers with easily visible fill volume graduation and large filler opening. Smooth, sealed pump with large pump handle for quick and efficient pressure build-up to max. 3 bar. Safety valve for pressure release to empty container. Adjustable universal spray nozzle. Ergonomically shaped and robust handle grip for good hold, also with gloves. Secure balance with three base footings and conical container shape.
Professional mini pressure sprayers with a multitude of uses. SOLO’s 401 and 402 are flexible helpers: in the home and conservatory, for DIY projects and when protecting/caring for vehicles.
Sample Applications:
Plant protection
• For plants on balconies and patios
• Weed control
• Gardening fertilizing
• Equine & livestock
• Automotive
• Janitorial disinfection
• Household cleaners
• Pest control
Small, light and handy (yet robust and versatile!), SOLO’s 403 and 404 are quality, compact manual pressure sprayers.
Sample Applications:
Plant protection
• For plants on balconies and patios
• In backyard gardens
• For decorative plants and shrubs
2 Guides are required for installation. This order is for two.
Application for plant protection and care. The SOLO 202 hand sprayer with transparent, very robust 2 litre container with level marking and stable stand.
Sample Applications:
Plant protection
• For plants on balconies and patios
• In backyard gardens and terrace
• For decorative plants and shrubs
Recommended for the following sprayers: